Deb Bogart Agility Workshop

Saturday & Sunday, December 14 & 15, 2024

at the SOTC Training Center, 6392 Deere Rd., Syracuse, NY
Indoors on turf in heated facility - regulation size ring (with columns)

Deb Bogart has been training and competing in agility for over 20 years with a variety of dogs. Deb has competed in AKC, USDAA, UKI, and CPE events nationally, earning MACH, ADCH, and C-ATCH championships from three
different organizations.

Deb has been teaching since 2006 and is in high demand (Swift Agility). She brings her knowledge of the most effective handling techniques to a full schedule of students each week. Deb actively engages in her own agility training through, often traveling out of state, to attend private lessons and seminars with top U.S. handlers, keeping her knowledge at a cutting-edge level.

Her teaching strengths include breaking down complex skills into manageable steps to improve mastery, analyzing courses to create the best line for the dog, and providing critique specific to individual dogs and handers. Deb never gives up on a student. Her attitude is upbeat, and her passion of the sport and dogs is unmatched.


Foundations for puppies, beginner dogs, and new handlers.

For people just starting agility and for pups who are 3 to 12 months old. Start the path to understanding obstacle and handler focus. Keep things happy and moving forward. Tunnels and jumps only.

Novice/open dogs and handlers.

For those beginning to work novice/open level. Help your dog see lines
and understand where he needs to be. Insights into commitment. Happy-dog methods of handling naughty
and distracted young dogs, who run off in joy or avoidance. Dogs should be able to do five to 10 obstacles in a
sequence. Jumps and tunnels only.

Achieving Distance

Learn to judge your dog’s commitment point, improve your timing, and make your ver
bals and body motion fit together so you can run a more efficient, tigher path. Focuses on developing a happy,
engaged, and driving forward dog. Novice through Masters levels.

Maximum Speed!

If you know your dog is fast—or could be faster!—but wonder why he doesn’t place, this
course is for you. This class will look at where you’re losing time. Learn tight turns, collection cues, and han
dler timing. This course also fits that go-or-broke dog who makes up his own course, drops bars, or throws
himself at obstacles with reckless abandon and disregards your direction. Novice through Masters levels.

Each class has 8 working spots and unlimited auditing spots. Walk-ins are accepted for Auditing spots.
Auditing spots are limited to 100 spots.
Walk in registration will be available for Auditing Spots.

Lunch, water, coffee/tea and snacks will be provided both days to both working spots and auditors. No special diets will be accommodated, so please plan accordingly.